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SnW Kunst is established for performing the role of bridge between artist and people who is interested in Art as well as between Netherlands and Korea.  
J. Won, Art Director is the artist who has bachelor and master degree of fine art in Ehwa women’s university, and Liam Song is the Business Development Manager with Financial Planning & Analyst background after MBA in Rotterdam School of Management.
Our Major partner is 10AAA, the art organization in UK and Korea, We pursue the vision of providing the benefit to all stakeholders who related with us in terms of sustainability.

우리는 미술을 통해 대중과 예술가들을 연결하며 네덜란드와 한국의 문화적 교류를 실행하고자 모였다.

Art Director는 한국에서 이화여대 미술대학과 동 대학원에서 동양화를 전공하였고, Business Development Director는 Rotterdam Management School MBA과정을 졸업하고 Senior Financial Planning & Analyst 로 활동했다. 유럽과 한국에서 다양한 문화 예술 기획활동을 하고 있는 10AAA를 파트너로 우리와 접하는 모든 사람들에게 네덜란드의 '지속가능성(Sustainability)' 개념을 공유하고자 한다.

© 2017 copyright all rights reserved by SnW Kunst

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